Long WeekEnd(30 April -- 6 May)
Makdachya Hati ChampagneI saw the most talked Natak on Marthi Theatre , It was great everything the script, direction, performances all in all
100% satisfaction. I was bit irritated in between , there were 2 guys behind our seat who were laughing too loud & for not that good jokes
i mean they were behaving like SIDDHU, i wish no one gets such people behind their seats for any show they were really disturbing all the time.
I liked the 2 dialogues the most Barrrrrr & 60% people out of competition in case of married women.
Corenthian Club
I went to this club same day for my friends wedding, unfortunately i couldn't see her as i left the party before their arrival as i had to
attend the Paly, but gosh that was huge, wedding ceremony, I really admire such people who really spend great amnout of money for such occasions,
i would never do such thing instead I would like to spend that money on my World Tour.
Bean Bags
Finally i bought bean bags & ahh such a great confort watching TV sitting on them & i found them for a cheap deal only 1000 Rs.
Again i spent this weekend @ Kothrud at my friends place i am really like staying at that house.